3 Spring Cleaning Tips to Spark Joy in Your Home

African American family sitting on the steps of their new home with boxes

Spring’s warmer weather and longer days are almost here, and we couldn’t be more excited! Spring is about starting new and there’s no better time to reset your home by organizing and decluttering. Taking inspiration from Netflix series “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo,” we wanted to share 3 spring cleaning tips to spark joy in your home:

Organize by Category: Spending the winter season in the coziest rooms of your home such as the living room might inspire you to clean those rooms first. Instead of organizing by room, organize by category. Kondo recommends going in order by starting with clothing followed by books, papers, miscellaneous items, and finally anything that holds sentimental value. For clothing, it’s helpful to group items in your closets and dressers by subcategory such as tops, bottoms, and more.

What to Keep: Once you have your items sorted by category, it’s time to take inventory of the things that “spark joy” and should be kept. You may want to keep each sentimental item from your youth or mementos of your family. Kondo suggests holding each item up one by one and if it sparks joy in your heart, you should keep it. After you decide which items you’re keeping, discard the rest!

Tidy Up: You’ve decided which winter sweaters, decorative pillows, and family photos to keep. Now what? Make use of small boxes to store items such as pens, spoons, and more. This combines tidying up and decorating! For your clothing, practice the standup folding method that stores your clothes vertically to create more space and allow you to find items more easily. What’s not to love about that?

We believe it’s how you live that matters and hope these cleaning tips help spark joy in your beautiful home. For additional Spring cleaning tips, check out the HHHunt Homes Pinterest page. Happy Spring cleaning!