3 Post-Holiday Organization Tips

Box of Christmas ornaments on leather furniture.

With the holiday season coming to a close, you might find yourself surrounded by new clothes that won’t fit in your closet, leftover gift bags and wrapping paper, and a lot more holiday decorations than you started with. No need to feel overwhelmed! We have three tips that will make post-holiday organization a breeze:

Make Room: There’s no better way to start organizing than by taking inventory of what you have and how much of it you should keep when you go through your closets, cabinets, and other storage spaces. It may be difficult to decide what to get rid of as so many things hold sentimental value, but you must decide. Things that are broken, don’t fit, you have multiples of, or that you haven’t used in at least a year should be donated or thrown away. To make additional space, consider using vacuum seal storage bags for your clothing, linens, and bedding.

Wrap It Up: Before the holidays, the gift bags, wrapping paper, and ribbon seemed so beautiful, but now they’re all just in the way. Storing these items isn’t all that tricky! Martha Stewart has great recommendations for a DIY ribbon organizer and mobile wrapping station. Now you won’t have to worry about them until the next holiday season!

All That Decor: You go to pull out your holiday ornaments and strings of holiday lights out of storage and are quickly shocked. The holiday ornaments are broken, and the lights are tangled in one big ball. What a headache! To avoid this, we’re inspired once again by the recommendations from Martha Stewart. She suggests creating safe ornament storage with items you might already have at home such as plastic bins, egg cartons, and paper drinking cups. To keep holiday lights tangle-free, Martha Stewart suggests wrapping them around cardboard. These DIY hacks will keep your décor safe and sound.

We believe it’s how you live that matters and hope that these organization tips save you time, so you can continue enjoying the winter season with friends and neighbors!